“My experience around this game was just phenomenal“
Mark Streed, The Dice Tower

1 game board
3 special standees
4 dwarf miniatures
38 glyphid standees
8 stalagmite standees
14 engraved dice
129 linen cards
113 tokens
43 cave segments
4 double-layered player boards
45 minerals
1 swarm threat marker
40 health and damage tokens
1 rulebook
1 mission book

Highly Detailed Miniatures
Meet the dwarfs!
- The Gunner: the one with the minigun. Loves a good cigar in the morning. The smell of dead glyphids is among the only things that makes him smile.
- The Scout: the zippy one with the grapple gun. Erratic, reckless, and altogether too sure of himself. Someday we'll find him smushed against a rock face - but it ain't happened yet.
- The Engineer: the smart one. When he's not nose-deep in instruction manuals, you'll find him in the workshop, cobbling together something awful and muttering to himself.
- The Driller: the one with the rock drills. Not too bright, but should never be underestimated. When he gets going, a wise dwarf stays behind him.
2nd Edition - What's new?

Updated Rulebook
We've reviewed the rulebook, fixed mistakes, and updated several segments. Even more important, we made it A4 for that ultra prime feeling.

Stalag Standees
Let's get that verticality! We've made the stalagmite tokens into standees to emphasize how cool a rock it actually is. It works the same but looks better.

Creature Infocards
Ask, and you shall receive. We've removed the creature info sheets and replaced them with infocards for that nice browsing-cards-motion.

Card Updates
Even Dwarves can mess up once in a while. We've clarified a few cards and fixed a few mistakes. Don't worry - it's nothing major!

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